‘Disgusted’ with level of recent USPS mail service
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OK, I give up! USPS, keep my mail and while you’re at it, pay my bills with my check order that was sent from Kansas City on Jan. 9. They’re lost in your mail service.
Please feel free to read my daily newspaper, two to three days late.
By the way, you can take my veteran’s medication refill, sent out five days ago from the Iron Mountain VA.
Who is the idiot who decided “we should fix” the routes that weren’t broken? Why have we gone from a regular route to an “auxiliary route,” which equals whenever we can, we’ll deliver! That’s B.S.
Enough already, “decision makers,” quit and let a person with a brain take over. It all stems from someone higher up than my carrier.
Disgusted is not a strong enough word in Kingsford.