

Formidable herons dot UP landscape

Early this summer, in the hours as the sun came up, I heard a new voice in the natural morning chorus outdoors. This call was difficult to describe — like turning a full bottle of liquid upside down, to have it gush and pause as air replaced fluid inside. It was a guttural “glunk-glunk, ...

Hot weather for Michigan deer opener; Wisconsin youth hunt next weekend

IRON MOUNTAIN — Michigan’s archery deer season opened Friday with temperatures soaring well into the 80s, likely the warmest opener since 1976 when the official high at Iron Mountain-Kingsford was 85 degrees. The forecast for the next week calls for highs in the low 70s to upper ...

Whitetails banquet Oct. 16

FLORENCE, Wis. — The Big 4-Plus Chapter of Whitetails Unlimited will have a banquet Saturday, Oct. 16, at Keyes Peak Ski Lodge. Proceeds will benefit local conservation and youth projects. All attendees will receive a Whitetails Unlimited knife and entry into a drawing for major door ...

Autumn brings a new wave of ‘short-distance’ migrants

The official arrival of autumn on Wednesday also seems to roughly coincide with migration moving into the next major wave. Gone from Six Mile Lake are most of the summer yardbirds — the eastern phoebes that nested twice, the ruby-throated hummingbirds that earlier in the month swarmed the ...

DNR delays full opening of offices

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will again delay the full opening of certain field offices and customer service centers, keeping them open just three days a week until at least Oct. 31. The three-day schedule — Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays — has ...

Bear euthanized after returning to Traverse City

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — A black bear that traveled back to an area in northern Michigan after being removed for raiding bird feeders and trash cans has been euthanized. The large male bear was recaptured Thursday, the Traverse City Record-Eagle reported. The bear was moving closer to ...