
Annual Sportsman’s Seminar March 15 in Iron Mountain

IRON MOUNTAIN — Family Baptist Church of Iron Mountain will host its 27th-annual Sportsman’s Seminar beginning at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 15. The hunting and fishing activities will be at Iron Mountain’s Central Middle School gymnasium and cafeteria, 300 W. Hughitt St.

Attendees can enjoy a couple of workshops and hands-on activities, such as the traditional indoor archery range, and learning how to fly-cast. Seminars include “A Wilderness Chronicle” and “Wildlife Management in the U.P.”

The displays will include Glaser’s Reptarium, with snakes, geckos, bearded dragons, turtles, tortoises and spiders. Other displays will be small-game hunting; trapping and furring from the U.P. Trappers Association; walleye fishing on the Fox River; muzzleloading; beekeeping and extracting honey; as well as fishing with tube jigs.

A representative from the United Sportsmen Inc. will be on hand as well as conservation officers from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. There will also be the annual veterans fundraiser. Dinner starts at 5:10 p.m., followed by the general session that begins at 6:15 p.m.

Door prizes, which are donated by numerous local merchants, will be given away at the close of the event.

There is no cost, but a free will offering will be available for all who desire to help defray the cost.

For more information, contact Family Baptist Church and the Rev. Kevin Sullivan at 906-774-8239.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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