DNR helps clear the way for winter fishing in UP
(Noah Johnson/Daily Press photo, file) An ice angler packs up for the day at the Escanaba Municipal Beach after a morning of ice fishing on Little Bay de Noc.
MARQUETTE — The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is continuing a program begun in 2021 to keep boating access sites plowed at more than two dozen popular Upper Peninsula ice-fishing locations.
“This program has been a big help in maintaining public access to hard water resources throughout the wintertime,” said John Pepin, DNR deputy public information officer. “Those using the access sites should keep ice safety in mind and take extra caution not to damage any boating infrastructure, like docks or boat landing surfaces, at these locations.”
Various local partners have again agreed to assist the DNR with the program to ensure access to ice fishing opportunities in the U.P. are available consistently during snow conditions.
The nearly 30 locations — situated across 10 of the U.P.’s 15 counties — are DNR boating access sites managed for recreational boating.
The DNR enters into agreements with partners to plow the access sites for the winter.
An evaluation that takes place each spring will assess several things, including how often the plowed sites are used and whether damage occurs to the access ramps.
Locations to have boating access sites plowed this winter include:
— Baraga County: Vermilac Lake, Silver River.
— Chippewa County: Munuscong Lake.
— Delta County: Little Bay de Noc (Kipling), Ford River.
— Dickinson County: Lake Louise.
— Iron County: Indian Lake, Swan Lake, Lake Mary, Lake Emily, Lake Ellen.
— Keweenaw County: Gratiot Lake, Lake Medora, Lake Bailey.
— Luce County: Little Lake Harbor, Kak’s Lake, Big Manistique Lake.
— Mackinac County: South Manistique Lake, North Manistique Lake, Milakokia Lake and Millecoquins Lake.
— Marquette County: Lake Michigamme, Greenwood Reservoir, Big Shag Lake.
— Schoolcraft County: McDonald Lake, Indian Lake.
Those interested in partnering with the DNR to keep more access sites plowed for winter access are asked to contact Stacy Welling-Haughey at WellingS1@Michigan.gov or 906-228-6561.