

January is Muslim American Heritage Month in Michigan

Hat’s off to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for recognizing January as Muslim American Heritage Month, honoring and celebrating the significant roles of Muslim Americans in Michigan and beyond. “During Muslim American Heritage Month, we recognize and celebrate the profound impact Muslim Americans ...

Aspirus offers ways to avoid injury from bitter cold weather

Brace yourself for another arctic blast. A polar vortex by week’s end is expected to bring the coldest weather experienced so far this winter into the region, with only single-digit highs during the day and temperatures well below zero overnight, according to the National Weather Service. ...

Some tips to stay safe while enjoying snowmobile rides

Winter is in full swing here in the Upper Peninsula and with it the familiar sights and sounds of snowmobiles. Snowmobiling is big business in the Upper Peninsula. Beyond the locals who participate in the winter activity, tourists from all around the country head to the U.P. with their sleds ...

DNRs urge safety on, around the ice

The region has gotten cold enough that most area lakes now have a good layer of ice for fishing, skating, hockey and other outdoor adventures. That doesn’t mean those venturing out shouldn’t still be cautious and use safe practices when on the ice, the Michigan Department of Natural ...

When Lansing’s good intentions lay an egg

LANSING — Who’d believe people would be smuggling weed into Wisconsin and eggs into Michigan in 2025? Such was the online discussion among U.P. and Wisconsin farmers. But who’s to blame for Michigan’s egg price disaster? It’s the all-too-common story of the best intentions mixed ...

UP Republicans reject governor’s embrace of green energy initiatives

State Reps. Karl Bohnak, Greg Markkanen, and Dave Prestin joined state Sen. Ed McBroom on Thursday to urge the governor and leadership within the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to abandon their plans to deforest state land to further their green energy agenda. The plans were only ...