
Compassion with purpose

Guest column


This is a follow-up to last month’s article on empathy versus primal emotions. One important part of empathy is compassion.

In the past few months, I have centered on good stewardship, both personal and public. My February article focused on empathy vs. primal emotions. This month’s article centers on involvement and discusses compassion (for our fellow man) and purpose (taking action). So, let us begin …

Empathy and compassion are interconnected in that a key component of empathy is compassion. Empathy is sharing and understanding the feelings of others. But, compassion takes it to another level and centers on actively taking care of and ensuring the well-being of others. Thus, compassion with a purpose has the potential of positively impacting lives. For example, it’s like creating ripples in the long stream of life.

How many times have we encountered people — yes, even possibly ourselves — who question personal involvement in coming to the aid of others? Excuses are made and opportunities lie scattered in the ditch along life’s pathways. How many of our fellow humans could have been positively affected by our involvement? We’ll never know that number or the difference we could have made on Earth but there will come a day when we will …

The choice lies within us to make that difference. If we choose to become involved, one can do so by exploring ideas and pursuing them. How can we ignite the passion and cultivate compassion with purpose? These are some helpful suggestions —

–Civic organizations: Why not join a civic organization, as they are focused on helping and improving local communities. If not joining, why not volunteer in helping them in fundraising or other functions.

— Programs for students: There are numerous volunteering opportunities that could help in shaping destinies of students. Here are just a few — monitoring, tutoring, leading extracurricular activities, working with them on arts and crafts, develop a peer mediation program, create a kindness chain, organize a book club, create a buddy system for new students, sponsor or coach a youth sports team, or develop a school newspaper, to name a few.

— Community/individuals: Reaching out to individuals is paramount. Here are a few suggestions — volunteer at a local soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter. Other services could be tutoring or teaching life skills, visiting nursing homes, hospitals, or rehab centers, or volunteering at local charitable stores, such as St. Vincent De Paul.

Unleashing the power of compassion with purpose will empower others to strive to do the same. Together, it could create a profound impact that may positively alter the course of lives. Remember if not you, then who? The Lord would expect us to get involved.


Daniel J. Paul is a retired school administrator. His articles focus on education, old-fashioned family values, relationships and other topics. His website is at meaningfuldifferences.com.

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