
An open letter to Elon Musk

This is a letter directed at Elon Musk.

Dear Elon,

On your media site, X, you posted:

“My companies make great products that people love and I’ve never physically hurt anyone, so why the hate and violence against me?”

Perhaps growing up in South Africa, you never were introduced to the Charles Dickens’ classic, “A Christmas Carol.” You may want to read it, for I dare say it may enlighten you as to why people dislike you.

May I suggest that there are several reasons for people to react negatively toward you:

1. You are the world’s richest man, yet you have given less than 1% of your wealth to charity.

2. You are proud of “slashing” jobs and forcing people — especially qualified and hardworking employees — out of jobs. By doing so, with a big smile and in such a gleeful manner, you do not endear yourself to the workers or the people who support them and fear they may also be destined to that fate.

3. You seem to be lacking even a smidgen of EMPATHY. I capitalized the word, since it is crucial not only in how you socialize and relate to people in all facets of life, but also in work environments. It helps with teamwork and work satisfaction. It gives value to individuals.

4. You are a hypocrite. You left South Africa to live in Canada. You were able to do so because your mother was born in Canada. You then came to the United States, where you went to college on a student visa.

Most reports say you left a university and began a company before you applied and received a work visa. There may have been a time period where you were in the country illegally.

If this had happened in the present time, you could have been deported. Are you now advocating for law-abiding, hardworking illegal immigrants who have lived here for years, paid taxes and who contribute to the economy?

I saw you on a news video saying that you are an immigrant and believe we should welcome immigrants who are hardworking and honest and contribute to the economy. Actions speak louder than words. Instead of slashing jobs, you should be helping these immigrants become legal so they can work without fear. Who is going to harvest your vegetables?

5. It seems that you have not educated yourself on all facets of your job. Have you tried to live for even a month on the minimum wage — $1,160 before taxes? You probably spend that much in a few hours. Eggs would be unaffordable; you’d have to live on cake.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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