UP Knights of Columbus free throw contest winners

The Knights of Columbus annually holds a free throw contest for girls and boys ages 9 through 14. Councils hold competitions in their area schools during the month of January and district competitions are held in February. On March 9, the Upper Peninsula Knights of Columbus held its Diocesan Regional Competition at the Negaunee Middle School. This year’s U.P. winners represent Councils 1585 Iron Mountain-Kingsford, 9523 Norway, 1541 Ishpeming and 6293 Gwinn and competed at the Michigan State Jurisdictional Competition on March 16. From left, front row: 11-year-old Aubrey Perry, Ishpeming; 10-year-old Ava Erkkila, Vulcan; 9-year-old Elliana Cory, Kingsford; 9-year-old Kamden Kramer, Vulcan; 10-year-old Rori Anderson, Norway; 11-year-old Adrian Fairchild, Iron Mountain; back row: 14-year-old Emily Lehtomaki, Gwinn; 13-year-old Kathryn Steinbrecher, Felch; 12-year-old Carli Jungwirth, Iron Mountain; 12-year-old Gabe Vandenbusch, Kingsford; 13-year-old Blake Sullivan, Ishpeming; and 14-year-old Tobi Anderson, Norway.