More charges issued in child abuse case involving UP doctor

MARQUETTE — Two more people have been accused in a child abuse investigation of a Marquette Township physician and his wife, who also now face additional charges.
Dr. Colin Irish, 57, and his wife, Carrie Irish, 49, were arrested last month for second-degree child abuse involving their 10-year-old son, including repeatedly locking him in an unheated closet.
New information now alleges that an 8-year-old child living in the Irish home did not receive proper care for ongoing medical needs, the Marquette County Sheriff’s Office said Thursday in a news release.
Michelle Maxson, 47, and Linda Maxson, 80, shared a household with the doctor and his wife while the 8-year-old and a 10-year-old child were allegedly abused, authorities said.
On Monday, Michelle Maxson was taken into custody on second-degree child abuse, two counts of committing second-degree child abuse in the presence of another minor and two counts of failure to report child abuse due to being a mandated reporter. She was released Tuesday from the Marquette County Jail on a $2,000 cash bond, the sheriff’s office said.

Linda Maxson turned herself in Monday on a warrant for second-degree child abuse and two counts of committing second-degree child abuse in the presence of another minor. She posted a $1,000 cash bond and was released.
Colin and Carrie Irish were arraigned Thursday in 96th District Court in Marquette on the additional charges, the sheriff’s office said. Both were charged with two counts of first-degree child abuse, two counts of committing first-degree child abuse in the presence of another minor and two counts of committing second-degree child abuse in the presence of another minor. Colin Irish was also charged with two counts of failure to report child abuse due to being a mandated reporter.
All four defendants are scheduled to appear in the 96th District Court for a preliminary hearing April 14.
Irish and his wife were arrested Feb. 18 for allegedly abusing their 10-year-old son. Deputies had gone to their home after Child Protective Services reported child abuse.
Police said the Irish’s son, who has special needs, was locked in an unheated closet at the residence and slept on a linoleum floor wearing only his underwear, and without a blanket, pillow or mattress.

The closet contained no windows, and the closet walls were modified with plastic sheet panels. According to the allegations, the boy defecated and urinated multiple times on the closet floor, and was forced to clean up the mess, leaving a strong odor of cleaning solution in the air.
The abuse allegedly took place over the course of several months, with the boy being locked in the closet for several hours each day.
The 10-year-old boy was transported at that time by EMS to UPHS-Marquette and treated for possible frostbite to his feet. The boy and two other boys, ages 6 and 8, were all removed from the Irish home and placed in foster care.
In a Facebook post after the arrests, Iron County Medical Care Facility in Crystal Falls said Irish had been suspended as its attending physician.