
Michigan awards $3.6M to fight invasive species

SIMEON WRIGHT, A Michigan Department of Natural Resources forest health specialist, takes samples and photos of trees affected by beech leaf disease. (Michigan Department of Natural Resources photo)

Thirty-two projects, including six in the Upper Peninsula, will share $3.6 million in funding through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program for efforts that address the prevention, detection, eradication and control of water-based and land-based invasive species, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said.

To date, more than $40 million has been awarded to support 301 projects undertaken by units of government, nonprofit organizations and institutions.

The program cooperatively implemented by the DNR with the Michigan departments of Agriculture and Rural Development and Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy has four key objectives:

­– Preventing the introduction of new invasive species;

— Strengthening the statewide invasive species early detection and response network;

— Limiting the spread of recently confirmed invasive species; and

— Managing and controlling widespread, established invasive species.

This year’s grants help support 22 regional cooperative invasive species management areas, the network of partnership organizations working to manage and control invasive species, actively serving all 83 counties in the state.

Each CISMA is eligible for $70,000 in annual support to provide education and technical assistance to landowners and up to $40,000 for tailored outreach and survey and treatment of high-priority invasive species. Grants to CISMAs represent nearly $1.8 million in this cycle approximately half of all MISGP awards.

The Dickinson Conservation District will receive $70,000 to provide funding for the Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition and maintain CISMA programming in Dickinson and Menominee counties. The Iron Baraga Conservation District will receive $70,000 for programming within the Western Upper Peninsula Invasive Coalition area in Iron, Gogebic and Ontonagon counties.

Other recipients in the U.P. include the Marquette County Conservation District, which receives $95,900 for the Lake to Lake CISMA in Alger, Delta, Marquette and Schoolcraft counties; the Chippewa Luce Mackinac Conservation District, $94,900 for the Three Shores CISMA; and Michigan Technological University, $70,000 for the Keweenaw Invasive Species Management Area in Baraga, Houghton and Keweenaw counties.

Also, the Upper Peninsula Resource Conservation and Development Council will receive $192,300 to enhance surveillance for hemlock woody adelgid in Menominee, Delta, Schoolcraft and Mackinac counties.

The grant program was initiated in 2014, when the state Legislature designated annual funding to address invasive species, with $3.6 million earmarked for grants. This funding substantially enhanced Michigan’s Invasive Species Program for aquatic organisms, supported a formal program for terrestrial species and initiated the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program.

Because of this program:

— More than 678,000 acres of land and water have been surveyed for invasive species;

— More than 56,000 acres have been treated for invasive terrestrial and aquatic plants;

— Through direct contact, including face-to-face interactions at boat washes, workshops, trainings and other events, 486,000 people have been reached with information about invasive species; and

— An additional 49 million contacts were achieved through grantees indirect outreach efforts, including mail, newspapers, social media and handouts.

The program began accepting grant applications for this funding cycle in September 2024. A total of 52 applications were received, requesting approximately $8.9 million in support.

In addition to CISMAs, grant funds will support several early detection and response efforts for several watch list invasive species those that pose an immediate or potential threat to Michigan’s economy, environment or human health and either have never been confirmed in the wild in Michigan or have a limited known distribution. This includes the grant to UPRC&D to conduct surveys for hemlock woolly adelgid along the southern coastal areas of the U.P.

Other efforts include:

— Surveying and treating hemlock woolly adelgid on the northern edge of the infestation in Antrim, Charlevoix and Emmet counties along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

— Using environmental DNA monitoring to detect hemlock woolly adelgid in high-priority areas and to better identify and predict the insect’s spread.

— Conducting survey and treatment of mile-a-minute weed infestations in Calhoun County.

— Tracking the progress of beech leaf disease symptoms to determine survival rates and possible resistant strains of American beech.

Funding also will support efforts to prevent the spread of invasive species:

— Improving the effectiveness of Eurasian watermilfoil chemical treatments by genetically screening milfoil populations to determine their response to commonly used and emerging herbicides.

— Building a network to enhance information about, prevention and monitoring of, and response to aquatic invasive species in northern Michigan lakes.

— Sustaining the Go Beyond Beauty program, which raises awareness of high-priority ornamental invasive species in trade, as it expands regional hubs in several cooperative invasive species management areas across the state.

— Continuing support for the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, including its grant program and mobile boat wash crew, to educate boaters and anglers on invasive species prevention actions they can take.

— Supporting continued public reporting of invasive species detections and a growing library of identification resources and training opportunities through the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network, housed at Michigan State University.

The program began accepting grant applications for this funding cycle in September 2024. A total of 52 applications were received, requesting approximately $8.9 million in support.

The full list of grant recipients, project descriptions and award amounts is available on the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program website at Michigan.gov/MISGP.

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