Kingsford sets ribbon-cutting for new park pavilion

MATERIALS ARE IN place for construction of a pavilion at Kingsford’s Ford Park. (Marguerite Lanthier/Daily News photo)
KINGSFORD — Kingsford will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new pavilion at Ford Addition Park on the same day as the annual Ford Addition Fourth of July parade.
The pavilion was made possible by donations from Rick and Marty Lagina. The Laginas, stars of the History Channel series “The Curse of Oak Island,” grew up near the park and each contributed $50,000 to build a pavilion in memory of their parents, George and Ann Lagina, longtime Kingsford residents who both died in 2010.
The 20-by-28-foot pavilion will have lights and outlets, and features a paved path from the parking area. MBM Construction of Iron Mountain was awarded the bid to construct the pavilion for $23,750. The pavilion kit, which includes all materials, was ordered from Amish Country at a cost of $25,181.25. It will be completed as soon as weather permits.
The Lagina brothers made the donation in August 2023 while back for the Kingsford Centennial celebration, during which they served as grand marshals for the centennial parade. “The Curse of Oak Island” is a multi-season reality television series that chronicles a team run by the Laginas as they search for legendary treasure on Oak Island off the shore of Nova Scotia.
Originally the money was donated to build a gazebo, but they decided they wanted a pavilion instead. Any leftover money will go toward pirate-themed playground equipment.
The city council also agreed to spend $700 for food and refreshments to be served at the pavilion.
In other business, the council:
— Set two public hearings for April 7. The first, at 6:45 p.m., will revise the ordinance regarding commercial vehicles in residential areas. It will increase fines and allow officers to affix a locking device or have the vehicle towed. The second, at 7 p.m., is on revising the ordinance regarding livestock and other farm animals in residential areas. It will increase fines and allow officers to impound animals.
— Will allow the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to place a kiosk at the Menominee River boat landing to allow the public to voluntarily take part in a fishing study. A trail camera will also be installed starting April 1.
— Learned a diagram for an easement that will travel underground through Kingsford High School property has been completed and sent to the school for approval.