Kingsford, Norway to consider teaming up on recycling
Both cities hope to get better price if combined
KINGSFORD — The Kingsford City Council approved seeking requests for proposals to offer twice-a-month curbside recycling services along with the City of Norway.
City Manager Mike Stelmaszek explained that combining with Norway might get them better prices and make it more affordable to residents, and most people would be willing to pay for it. Both Kingsford and Norway do their own garbage collection.
Under a state law that takes effect in January 2026, municipalities of certain size must offer curbside recycling. The Norway City Council approved the plan Wednesday.
In other business, the council Monday:
— Approved a five-year contract with Otis for annual City Hall elevator inspections. Stelmazsek told the council while he normally prefers not having a contract, it otherwise can be difficult to schedule an inspection, as the area doesn’t have as many companies available to do the work. The cost, about $210 a month, would be broken up into yearly payments to help with budgeting.
— Changed the part-time sick leave policy to comply with a new state law. Employees can earn one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked up to a certain amount.
— Heard from new Dickinson Conservation District Manager Dana Nelson, who introduced herself to the council. Nelson had previously lived and worked in Alaska, and moved back to the area with her husband and two young children. Nelson told the council the conservation district is currently conducting its spring plant sale, a major fundraiser that generates about $30,000.
— Approved the Kingsford Youth Wrestling’s request to host a raffle. This is an annual request that must be approved by the council.
— Authorized hiring two seasonal employees.