
IM schools finalizing plans for $1.9M HVAC project at Izzo-Mariucci Center

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Iron Mountain School Board received an update on a $1.9 million project to upgrade the HVAC system and do other work at the Izzo-Mariucci Center.

Superintendent Jerry Sardina said 50% of the design phase has been completed and they have begun picking out items for the project. They should be 90% complete by the next planning meeting.

They hope to start work on the project in July. OHM of Hancock is completing the engineering. Gundlach-Champion will oversee installation.

The aging HVAC system will be replaced with new boilers and converted to a water-based system. Other work being done includes new doors, flooring and lights in the main entry, a new trophy case, new doors at the A Street entrance and cameras to increase security.

The $1.9 million for the project is coming from the $4 million Zanardi Trust Fund donation. Sardina told the board that because the district hasn’t used any of the money yet, the trust fund has gained $240,000 in interest to date.

In other business, the board Monday:

— Heard a presentation on a recycling project fourth graders are doing at North Elementary. The students supplied recycling bins to each classroom and pick up the bins each week. This is part of the Green School application. They were the only school in Dickinson County that completed the application.

— Learned the district is applying for a $2 million Safe Routes to School grant for 2026, which will be submitted in June. The grant would cover costs for sidewalks in some of the walking routes. They hope to coordinate with the city, which will be doing road work in the area.

— Approved letters of intent to retire from Katherine Barnes, administrative assistant in the guidance office; Wanda Sherman, food services director; and Sylvia Creighton, food service worker.

— Got a request from student representative Cali Picucci that the board bring the student representatives in sooner, so the student will have more time to learn what is expected.

— Was told by Sardina the district expects to have money to put in the fund balance at the end of the year due to several factors, after initially projecting a deficit in the budget.

— Heard about the communications portion of the district’s strategic plan. Maryssa Gussert, communications coordinator, outlined ways the district is communicating with family and the public through social media, the school website and calendar and with direct communication.

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