IM OKs $142,500 for new backhoe
IRON MOUNTAIN — A new backhoe will be added to Iron Mountain’s equipment fleet at a cost of about $142,500 after the city council Monday rejected bids it had opened last month for a used unit.
The most attractive bid for a used model was $117,000 for a 2021 Caterpillar 420-07, according to Scott Thomas, public works director. With $138,000 in its budget for a backhoe, the council Feb. 17 had asked Thomas to price new machines as well.
The lowest quote came from Fabick Cat of Marquette for a 2024 Caterpillar 420-07H at $141,800.
Given the five-year warranty on the new machine, Mayor Dale Alessandrini said the extra cost seemed worth it. Council members agreed and approved the purchase.
The unit is a brand-new machine, left over from last year, available through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program with delivery within a week, Thomas said.
There will be an added expense to install fenders, estimated at $700, whether done by the supplier or the city itself.
Four quotes were received in all, two from John Deere and two from Caterpillar. The lowest John Deere price was $144,448 for a 2025 320-P, with delivery by the end of May.
Thomas said any of the quoted machines could meet the city’s needs, but the difference in delivery should be considered. The department also has a 2001 Caterpillar 420 backhoe that will be auctioned after the new unit is in place.
Five dealers had responded to the city’s request for bids on a used backhoe, including Fabick Cat, which submitted the offer Thomas first recommended. The council rejected all of those bids before accepting the price quote for a new machine.
In another matter, the city will spend $7,259 to replace a broom attachment on a street sweeper. After reviewing quotes, the council Monday approved a purchase through Midway Rentals and Sales of Kingsford, with delivery in two to three weeks.