
IM downtown events to kick off in June

Community advised that dog park is likely to be shut temporarily this spring

(Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo) Liz Schwandt of Iron Mountain and Mildred, a 2-year-old Goldendoodle, spend time in the dog park at Iron Mountain City Park on Tuesday. The city expects to close the dog park temporarily this spring to prevent damage to the grass and dirt surface.

IRON MOUNTAIN — Dates are set for Iron Mountain events hosted by the Downtown Development Authority, leading off with a Farmers and Artisan Market on Saturday, June 7.

The first of 10 Out to Lunch concerts will take place Thursday, June 12, followed that weekend by Brew Fest.

The city council Monday approved parking lot and Iron Mountain Street closures for the DDA events, which mainly focus on the summer season. The Farmers and Artisan Market is from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Saturday though Oct. 11 in a parking lot area north of A Street and west of Iron Mountain Street.

Out to Lunch live music takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Systems Control downtown stage each Thursday through Aug. 14. Iron Mountain Street is closed between A Street and Hughitt Street during performances.

In addition to Brew Fest, weekend events requiring Iron Mountain Street and parking lot closures include Italian Fest, with closures beginning Thursday, Aug. 8; and Oktoberfest, with closures starting Friday, Sept. 26.

During Italian Fest and Oktoberfest, the Farmers and Artisan Market moves slightly west to the parking lot area along A Street adjoining Downtown Plaza.

The council also approved a request from Katherine Mentel, DDA event coordinator, to waive the city’s noise ordinance until midnight for Italian Fest on Saturday, Aug. 9, and Oktoberfest on Saturday, Sept. 27.

The date for the DDA’s Pumpkin Walk is Saturday, Oct. 25, while the Christmas Walk is Friday, Dec. 5.

In another matter, Mayor Dale Alessandrini asked if Midtown Mall should again be brought into the DDA district after being removed by request in 2011. Alessandrini claimed the mall benefits from downtown activities but does few promotions of its own.

“I think it would be fair to put them back into the district,” he said.

Properties within the DDA pay an additional tax to help organize downtown events, attract new business and advance beautification and historic preservation. The current DDA levy is 2 mills, or $2 per $1,000 of taxable value.

The district’s boundaries follow the corridors of Carpenter, River and Stephenson avenues, north from Woodward Avenue just past Brown Street on Carpenter, and north beyond the Mall to Chapin Pit on Stephenson. If the council wants to proceed with expanding the district, a public hearing is required, City Manager Jordan Stanchina said.

In other action Monday, the council:

— Heard Stanchina report it may be necessary this spring to again close the dog park at City Park for a week or two to prevent damage as it dries out. The dog park opened in 2018 and has two enclosures just south of the main pavilion, one for small dogs and one for larger ones. The need for a better surface has been brought up in the past but had no action due to cost.

— Agreed to advertise used equipment for sale on the Wisconsin Surplus Auction site. Items include a 2001 Caterpillar backhoe, a front plow and plow frame, a 2011 Ford pickup truck, some wheels, a chainsaw, four push mowers and numerous weed trimmers and parts.

— Approved a height amendment for industrial zoning districts that allows buildings to have up to five above-ground stories and potentially more with a special use permit. No public comments were received. The change had been recommended by the city’s planning commission.

Jim Anderson can be reached at 906-774-2772, ext. 85226, or janderson@ironmountaindailynews.com.Midtown

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