Florence County gets site for EMS building in Aurora
FLORENCE, Wis. — Florence County will receive about 3 acres of land from the Town of Aurora for a new EMS building after county supervisors voted Tuesday to accept the property.
The parcel on Calvary Drive will be transferred to Florence County strictly for development of a county EMS station. In the event the land and any improvements are no longer used by the county for emergency medical services, it will revert back to Aurora, with the town assuming any debt for the improvements.
The Aurora EMS building is currently in the design stage and plans call for it to be completed by October, along with an EMS building in Tipler and one in Florence to be completed by November.
The county EMS system was launched more than a year ago, funded by a tax levy, a per-capita fee from each municipality, grants applied for on an annual basis and revenues from billing emergency calls.
In other business, the board:
— Approved an increase in the EMS service’s spending limit on its credit card up to $5,000. The board also approved a credit line with Amazon for the EMS service.
— Appointed Debra DeMuri to fill a vacant position on the Nicolet Federated Library System’s board of trustees, in compliance with state statutes. The term expires Dec. 31, 2026.
— Adopted yearly resolutions allowing the Department of Forestry and Parks to pursue grants from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for the Waterways Commission Project, outdoor motorized recreation aids, snowmobile trail maintenance and development, outdoor recreation aids and the county fish and game project.
Jim Paul can be reached at 906-774-2772, ext. 85229, or jpaul@ironmountaindailynews.com.