‘Lesson in Leprechaun’
- The Niagara Area Historical Museum in Niagara, Wis., hosted a “Lesson in Leprechaun” event on Saturday. Here, retired teacher Betsy Recla St. Arnauld tells the story about the sneaky leprechaun with Arthur Hedlund. (Karen Klenke photo)
- The Niagara Area Historical Museum in Niagara, Wis., hosted a “Lesson in Leprechaun” event on Saturday. Here, Everette Hedlund checks out a picture of the leprechaun through four-leaf clover glasses. (Karen Klenke photo)
- The Niagara Area Historical Museum in Niagara, Wis., hosted a “Lesson in Leprechaun” event on Saturday. Retired Niagara Elementary School kindergarten teacher Betsy Recla St. Arnauld shared stories with about 20 children and gave instructions on making a trap to get the little guy. Here, Kenzie Behrendt works on her leprechaun trap. (Karen Klenke photo)
The Niagara Area Historical Museum in Niagara, Wis., hosted a “Lesson in Leprechaun” event on Saturday. Area children with creative minds and nimble fingers were invited to use their skills to try to catch a curious leprechaun. Retired Niagara Elementary School kindergarten teacher Betsy Recla St. Arnauld shared stories with about 20 children and gave instructions on the art of making a trap to get the little guy. Historical Museum President Karen Klenke said this month’s Last Saturday event was a huge success. The children were able to take the traps they made home, but luckily they have two traps left at the museum in hopes of catching a leprechaun by St. Patrick’s Day in March, she said. Klenke encourages area residents to watch for details to come on next month’s Last Saturday event. (Karen Klenke photos)