
Kingsford council gets plans for next water, sewer project

KINGSFORD — Preliminary engineering plans are in place for a third major water and sewer project in Kingsford.

The plans, prepared by GEI Consultants of Iron Mountain, had to be submitted to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy by Jan. 23.

According to City Manager Mike Stelmaszek, the project consists of two major components — sewer and storm water separation and replacement in the Ford Addition and abandoning the two lift stations in the Heights.

The first component will separate the combined system into a sanitary and storm systems with separate discharge, Stelmaszek told the city council Monday.

The repurposed storm pipes will flow from Woodward to Hamilton avenues, picking up catch basins at each intersection. At Hamilton, it will flow east to Ripley Street, where it will be sent through the school property and discharged into an existing storm pipe at Pyle Drive and Hooper Street.

A new storm head will be installed east of Ripley that would continue east until about Kimberly Avenue, picking up the flow from Union Street along the way to discharge at Ripley.

In general, sanitary piping will flow west to east until Ripley, with house laterals being separated from a dual system and individually added to newly installed sewer mains.

Engineers and city personnel will review videos to confirm existing lateral locations. The flow from sanitary pipes will lead to an existing 78-inch concrete main.

Repurposed storm piping will be replaced as needed. New manholes will be designed and installed as needed. Existing manholes will be replaced or rehabilitated based on EGLE’s review of eligibility.

With the removal of two lift stations from the infrastructure, data from the flow, which has been measured, will be used to size the sanitary main. The new sanitary main will be tied into the existing infrastructure at Woodward Avenue and North Pyle Drive.

This project would not start until after the second project is completed in 2026.

In other business, the council:

— Authorized Jeff DeMuri, director of public works, to sell a Kingsford Public Safety squad car, a DPW retired F250 truck, some unused plow wings that don’t fit the trucks and other miscellaneous items on the Wisconsin Surplus auction site.

— Approved the third-annual Northpointe 5K Color Walk Run event for Saturday, May 17. It will use the same route as last year.

— Scheduled the next council meeting for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 18, due to the President’s Day holiday.

— Will allow DeMuri to attend the Wisconsin Rural Water Association technical conference in Green Bay on March 25-26. He will receive needed continuing education credits for this water operator license.

— Learned the upgrade to the city’s GIS system is complete, allowing for clearer imagery and more recent data.

— Was invited to attend a Legislative Reception for Community Leader at Pine Mountain Lodge on Saturday, Feb. 22, during ski jump weekend. Those who wish attend were asked to RSVP to the city manager or through the information he provided.

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