Florence County Health Department intern assists with Community Health Assessment
Elsa Fors
Florence, Wis. — Elsa Fors is completing her community health education bachelor of science degree through University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and connected with the Florence County Health Department for her final semester of community practicum.
She is originally from Niagara where she attended K-12. After completing her degree, she hopes to secure a position locally supporting families and individuals in life skills and living healthy lives.
“I am excited to learn more about how community health education will play a role in public health through the different programs that are offered. I will be able to take the experiences and knowledge I am gaining and utilize it in my career,” she said.
One of her first projects with the health department is working with the Community Health Assessment (CHA). She works with a state epidemiologist and the public health nurse on data visualization for the county.
The CHA data will be available in the morning will be on Wednesday, Feb. 26 in the downstairs Florence Resource Center. If you would like to attend to review the data and provide input on health priorities for the next five years, please call Alisha Krenzke as the department would be pleased to have your participation.
Florence County Health Department can be reached at 715-528-4837. Go to their website at http://www.florencecountywi.com/ for more information on programming.
The health department is located on the second floor, 501 Lake Ave. in the Florence County Courthouse, and is open Monday through Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment after hours.