
VA receives donation from Hometowne Lumber

Marguerite Lanthier/Daily News photo Hometowne Lumber in Kingsford had a giving tree to collect donations for homeless veterans in the area. They brought several bags of items donated by local residents to the VA. From left are Richard Holmstrom, homeless program manager; Samantha DeVore, Hometown Lumber employee; Katie Maxon, chief of volunteer services; Allyssa Knoll, VA community engagement and partnership coordinator; Wendy Parolini, Hometowne employee; and Joe Bronzyk, owner.

By Marguerite


Staff writer

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center has received a donation of winter clothing and other items from Hometowne Lumber in Kingsford.

Store employee Samantha DeVore said they did some research and discovered there are quite a few homeless veterans in Iron and Dickinson counties, so they decided to put up a giving tree to collect items including winter clothing and other items like gift cards.

“Ninety percent of them are veterans and you don’t think about that when you’re living in a small town and especially how brutally cold it is in the winter. I come from a family that has served and I’m passionate about it,” DeVore said.

“We had it on our calendar from last year, and we were going to reach out to find where to donate, and she looked into it and contacted the VA,” fellow employee Wendy Parolini said.

“I was actually shocked at how many people came in from the community, dropping off little objects throughout the last month and a half,” Devore said.

Richard Holmstrom, homeless program manager at the VA, indicated that some veterans ask for help and others want to be on their own, but they might say they want something like a gift card or clothing.

Katie Maxon, chief of volunteer services, said the VA is no longer allowed to purchase cell phones, so donations of pre-paid phones and phone cards would be appreciated because then they can contact veterans for appointments, etc.

Hometowne owner Joe Bronzyk said they are trying to be more involved in the community. They donated fencing to a family that has children who are autistic, so they don’t run in the road and they also donated turkeys to a women’s shelter.

“We want to give back to the community that supports us,” Bronzyk said.

Hometowne Lumber plans to have a giving tree quarterly and donate to other groups. DeVore said they are open to suggestions and are willing to help.

Marguerite Lanthier can be reached at 906-774-3500, ext. 242, or mlanthier@ironmountaindailynews.com.

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