
Norway council sizes up road project priorities

NORWAY — Ahead of 2025-26 fiscal year budget discussions and the upcoming road construction season, Norway City Council began talks Wednesday on possible projects for 2025.

City Manager Dan Stoltman said that with the short construction season and high demand for road work, it would be in the city’s best interest to get a bid packet out as soon as possible.

Stoltman added that he is still putting together the local and major roads budgets and that last year $500,000 was spent. He is recommending rolling that back to about $300,000 for 2025.

Working with Coleman Engineering, five roads were identified for reconstruction. They are Hillcrest Drive — Main Street to Hillcrest Drive; O’Callighan — Hillcrest Drive to 13th Avenue; 13th Avenue — Scenic Drive to dead end; Beckstrom Street — Huron Street to 12th Avenue; and 12th Avenue — Beckstrom Street to Hillcrest Drive.

The chosen roads will be crushed and shaped.

Council member Bret Kraemer asked if any of the roads in question were still in good enough condition they could be salvaged with an overlay, rather than doing the crush and shape. Kraemer said that perhaps by doing overlays wherever possible the city could get more footage out of the road budget.

No action was taken on the potential road projects for 2025. The final proposal will come before the council in February.

In other business, the council:

— Approved buying a utility line locator for the water department. Core and Main of De Pere, Wis., had the low bid at $4,550; followed by Batco Inc. of Parma, Mich., at $4,999; and Border States of Pewaukee, Wis., at $5,864.

The council discussed the purchase in the fall but delayed it to consider whether it would make sense to purchase a unit with GPS capabilities. The water department reported the extra cost for a GPS-enabled model would not be needed.

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