Bids for retaining wall repair within IM’s city budget
IRON MOUNTAIN — A fix for a century-old retaining wall on West Ludington Street appears to be within the city’s budget, including a $399,195 offer from Bacco Construction Co. of Iron Mountain that would allow one-lane traffic on both the upper and lower sections.
The city council Monday opened bids from Bacco and FA Industrial Services Inc. of Iron River. FA’s proposal came in at $486,183, which is also within the roughly $667,000 the city has available in unspent American Rescue Plan funds.
Although city officials say the stone wall isn’t in danger of collapsing, it has been frequently patched. Cement blocks have been placed in front of vulnerable sections that are marked with traffic cones and barricades.
The bids will be referred to staff and the council’s infrastructure committee for a recommendation. The proposed plan calls for placing a precast concrete wall at the bottom of the existing wall, which extends more than a block in the area of South Pine and Forest streets. Any wall above the 3-foot, 6-inch height of the new wall would be removed.
Based on the bids, the city could save about $200,000 by shutting down the traffic lanes entirely and that option will be reviewed as well. Ludington Street splits when approaching from the east.
Specifications for the bids were prepared by Coleman Engineering Co. after the city in April began evaluating the wall for replacement or removal.
“It has been patched many times throughout the years but is getting to the point that any additional patches will not be effective,” City Manager Jordan Stanchina said at that time.
As part of the project, a sanitary sewer line that runs within the wall would be relocated beneath the upper street section.
The city’s total allocation under the 2021 ARP pandemic aid law was $765,000. Funds must be spent by the end of 2026.