From left are kindergarten students Aurora McQuistion, Grayson Johnson and Emma Anderson.
First-grade students Fynn Siegler, Reese Fleming, Leo Foley, Gibby Holsworth and Ellery Fleming.
Students in the second-grade class — from left, in front are Ina Lewis, Maci Treiber, Maddie Fleming, Jack Jorgensen and Elijah Anderson; middle row, Annette Richardson and Hadley Rasmussen; back, Grayson Roberts, Max Reed, Nigel Mattson, Piper Burns, Ellie Holsworth, Jane Anderson, Greyson Marrow, Kylie Grenier, Claire Grunlund and Sophia Miller.
A closeup of some of the balloons.
North Dickinson County School District students from kindergarten through second grade turned their hallway into New York City to host their very own Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Each class listened to the story “Balloons Over Broadway” and then created balloons of their own to parade with and display.
First-grade students Fynn Siegler, Reese Fleming, Leo Foley, Gibby Holsworth and Ellery Fleming.
From left are kindergarten students Aurora McQuistion, Grayson Johnson and Emma Anderson.
A closeup of some of the balloons.
Students in the second-grade class — from left, in front are Ina Lewis, Maci Treiber, Maddie Fleming, Jack Jorgensen and Elijah Anderson; middle row, Annette Richardson and Hadley Rasmussen; back, Grayson Roberts, Max Reed, Nigel Mattson, Piper Burns, Ellie Holsworth, Jane Anderson, Greyson Marrow, Kylie Grenier, Claire Grunlund and Sophia Miller.