District court report released
IRON MOUNTAIN –Dickinson County District Judge Julie A. LaCost has issued her activity report for the month of November.
New criminal cases for the month included 20 felonies, eight misdemeanors, one felony drunk driving and 10 OWI/OUID misdemeanors.
New civil cases for the month included 32 general civil cases, four small claims and four landlord/tenant disputes.
New traffic cases included 56 civil infractions, 17 misdemeanors and 19 non-traffic civil infractions.
Criminal dispositions for the month included nine felony guilty pleas, seven felony preliminary exams with one bound over to circuit court and six waived over to circuit court, one felony drunk driving guilty plea, one felony drunk driving preliminary exam that was waived over to circuit court, 13 misdemeanors and 12 OWI/OUID misdemeanors.
Civil dispositions included 11 general civil, and two landlord/tenant.
Traffic dispositions included 37 infractions and ten misdemeanors. There were seven non-traffic civil infractions.
The district court handled two court trials, two probation violation hearings, five drug-sobriety court referrals, three defendants were referred to the Alcohol Highway Safety Program, one defendant was referred to the Shoplifters Counseling Program, four defendants were referred to the sheriff work van and five defendants were referred to alcohol counseling.
There were three marriage ceremonies.
Funds turned over to the Dickinson County treasurer totaled $50,177.44. Funds turned over to the court trust totaled $14,198.98.