
Grant for AED machine

The Iron Area Health Foundation recently awarded a grant in the amount of $2,500 to the Iron County Housing Commission. The grant monies will be used to purchase an AED machine for the Pleasant Valley Apartment Complex. The Pleasant Valley Apartment Complex is a 43-unit Section 8 rental voucher complex located in Crystal Falls. The AED machine will be placed in the entrance lobby area of the complex.  Pictured at the grant check presentation are Lyle Smithson Jr., IAHF director; Jessica Perry, IAHF board member; Robert Friot, Pleasant Valley Apartment Complex resident; Victoria Webb, Iron County Housing Commission executive director; Charlie Ponchaud, Pleasant Valley Apartment Complex resident; and Zach Hautala, IAHF board member. The Iron Area Health Foundation is very pleased to provide this grant to the Iron County Housing Commission to purchase a potential life saving AED machine for the Pleasant Valley Apartment Complex.

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