Agreement reached on removal of Trump sign

(Betsy Bloom/Daily News photo) A “Trump Tower” banner has been displayed on a former mine tower on Iron Mountain's northside since Oct. 9.
IRON MOUNTAIN — A court agreement in Dickinson County calls for removal of a huge political sign on a former mine tower in Iron Mountain and for payment of fines up to $900.
The deadline for payment and removal is Tuesday, but there is a provision for a reasonable delay due to weather.
The Oct. 31 order from District Court Judge Julie LaCost also allows property owner Francis Rittenhouse to reserve the right to appeal any other related issues but not the civil infraction for not having a permit.
In the order, Rittenhouse pleads responsible for failing to obtain a permit contrary to a city ordinance for the display of signage.
The red-and-white sign, measuring about 80 feet in height, was installed on the privately owned structure along Kimberly Avenue on Oct. 9. It reads TRUMP vertically and TOWER horizontally.
Dozens of people supporting the sign attended an Oct. 21 city council meeting where several claimed the city had no authority to seek its removal. There were other speakers, however, who described it as an eyesore.
The city’s citation against the banner was based on its material and quantity and its location within a residential district, according to City Manager Jordan Stanchina.
Past court decisions have shown that content is not a legitimate reason for government restrictions on signage. However, regulations based on the interests of aesthetics, blight and traffic safety are acceptable, some legal experts say.
Rittenhouse is represented by Gerry Mason Law Offices in Marysville, Mich. The city attorney is Gerald Pirkola.
The tower structure is known as the Hamilton Shaft smokestack, one of the few remaining remnants of the Chapin-Ludington-Hamilton Mine.