Mobile Food Pantry on Wednesday
KINGSFORD — Feeding America West Michigan is bringing a mobile food pantry to Kingsford on Wednesday.
Free food is available to households experiencing food insecurity. The location for the mobile food pantry is Lodal Park, 1800 W. Breitung Ave.
This is a drive-thru food distribution, with food distribution beginning promptly at 10 a.m. and check-in/registration beginning at least an hour beforehand. Customers should be prepared for a lengthy wait in line.
Customers will use the regular park entrance. Walk-in customers and customers arriving in taxicabs will come to the park exit. Volunteers will also use the park exit. Restrooms are located by the concession stand, on the east side of the park.
The park will be closed to all other motorized vehicle traffic between 6:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Park patrons on foot or on bicycles are still welcome.
Customers will be asked to provide full name, full address, household size and make-up, and reason for needing food. No proof of identity, residency, or eligibility is required. If picking up for another household, the same information must be provided in a signed note by a member of that household.
There is a maximum of three households per vehicle.
Customers should have in their vehicles boxes, laundry baskets or totes where volunteers can place the food.
The Lodal Park mobile food pantry is coordinated by Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Iron Mountain. The schedule for 2024 is always the second Wednesday of the month.
For the months of September through December, the food distributions will return to the Tri-City Cinemas 8 on U.S. 2 in Quinnesec.
Questions about the FAWM Mobile Food Pantry or about volunteering should be directed to the site coordinator, Anda Tavonatti, at 906-239-6778, not to the City of Kingsford or Tri-City Cinemas.