
Iron County proposes change in 911 funding

CRYSTAL FALLS — Iron County votes will be asked Tuesday to approve a new property tax levy to support the county’s central 911 dispatch service.

The levy of 1 mill, or $1 per $1,000 of taxable value, would raise an estimated $537,272 when first levied this year. The proposed levy is for four years, through 2023.

In conjunction with the millage, a current telephone surcharge of $2.70 per device would be eliminated, according to Iron County Central Dispatch.

The only contested race for county office on Tuesday’s ballot is for an Iron County Road Commission seat. Ray Margoni and incumbent Ernest J. Schmidt are both running in the Democratic primary.

There is also a Democratic primary in the 110th Michigan House District, where Ironwood businessman and Vietnam veteran Lawrence Dale, Houghton County businesswoman Janet Metsa of Portage Township and Casey VerBerkmoes of Lake Linden will seek to challenge incumbent state Rep. Greg Markkanen, R-Hancock.

Unopposed on the Iron County ballot are Democratic incumbents Melissa A. Powell for prosecuting attorney, Mark Valesano for sheriff, Melanie Camps for treasurer and Thomas C. Karvala for mine inspector.

Julie Kezerle, the incumbent clerk, is running unopposed as a Republican.

Across the county, primary elections will take place for township offices. In addition to the candidates nominated Tuesday, the Nov. 3 ballot will include candidates running without party affiliation.

Bates Township: All candidates are Republicans. Unopposed are incumbents Jon. S. Oberlin, supervisor; Barbara Benson-Stafford, clerk; and Teresa Nelson, treasurer. There are three trustee candidates for two seats — Jane Adams, Mark F. Gasperini and incumbent Michael J. Franzene.

Crystal Falls Township: All candidates are Democrats. They are incumbents Nancy Niemi, clerk; Jennifer Ketola, treasurer; and Diane Kut and Joanne Seppala for two trustee seats. There are no candidates on the ballot for supervisor.

Hematite Township: No races are contested. The lone Democratic candidate is incumbent Sally Casiano, clerk. Republicans are incumbent Ashley Haag, treasurer; and Jim Cihak and Carlyn Raduechel for two trustee seats. There are no candidates on the ballot for supervisor.

Iron River Township: The candidates are all Republicans, including three seeking two trustee seats. The trustee candidates are Douglas Bruster, Mary Froblom and incumbent Mike Sheehy. Running unopposed are incumbent Scott Tarsi, supervisor; incumbent Amber Laturi, clerk; and Dawn Pisoni, treasurer.

Mansfield Township: No candidates have opposition on the ballot. The Democrats are incumbent Richard Dryjanski, supervisor; and incumbents George Minerick and Joseph L. Olson for two trustee seats. The Republicans are incumbent Arthur Bloomburg, clerk; and incumbent Deborah J. Strelecki, treasurer.

Mastodon Township: In the Republican primary, Jim Erickson is challenging incumbent Jan Lemke for clerk. Republican incumbent Frank Siewiorek in unopposed for supervisor . Republican Stacey Watters is unopposed for treasurer, seeking to challenge Democratic incumbent Sheri L. Skrzyniarz in November. Charles Skinner, a Democratic incumbent, is unopposed for one of two trustee seats.

Stambaugh Township: No candidates are opposed on the ballot, but a race for clerk will be decided in November. The Democratic candidates, all incumbents, are Theresa Baumgartner, clerk; Sherry M. Pangrazzi and Dean Stolberg, trustees; and Shelly Losey, constable. The Republicans are incumbent Kevin S. Isaacson, supervisor; Margaret Christensen, clerk; and incumbent Sharon Rogers, treasurer.

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