
Wolves in Michigan is topic of program

ESCANABA –Brian Roell, large carnivore specialist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, will be talking about gray wolves in the Upper Peninsula on Wednesday.

His talk titled “Wolves at a Crossroad in Michigan” will cover the history and recovery of wolves in Michigan, state and federal status, population estimates and methods, potential harvest and the role of science in wildlife management.

The program is the second in the 2025 Delta County Historical Society Winter Outreach Series. It begins at 7 p.m. Eastern time in the Heirman Center at Bay College. The program is open to the public, and there is no charge.

The final program in this year’s series, a look at William “Big Bill” Bonifas and other Lake Shore Drive lumber barons, will be presented by the society’s president, Dr. Charles Lindquist, on April 16.


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