

We find happiness by taking baby steps of joy

NIAGARA, Wis. — We all want to be happy. For most of us, we easily remember the happiness of our childhoods when our parents took care of us and worried about all the big problems. Our biggest problems back then were the perceived “unfairness” of losing at a game of kickball, going to bed ...

Treats to celebrate spring

The Norway-Vulcan Women’s Club made a special delivery to residents at Evergreen Meadows Assisted Living in Norway on the first day of spring. Members prepared treat boxes that came with a message, “Bringing you sunny little wishes for a most delightful spring.” During their March ...

St. Patrick’s Day: Leprechauns and other myths

NIAGARA, Wis. — We just finished celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, a day associated with the color green, shamrocks... and a wee bit ’o drinkin’. My husband and I have always gotten a kick out of the fact that when we first meet people, they assume he is Irish with a name like Killian. ...

Dickinson County sheriff at Golden K

By JOAN JOUPPI For The Daily News KINGSFORD — “Top o’ the morning to you” was the greeting on Monday as the Golden K seniors gathered together. Everywhere one looked green was the color of the day except for the grass. The aroma of corned beef and cabbage was in the air for St. ...

Stars, hills, valleys and moments of grace

NIAGARA, Wis. — There is no question that we are living through a unique period of our national history. And, depending on how you voted in the most recent election, you may be using a different adjective to describe this time. But today’s column is not about politics, but rather how each ...

Veteran service officer speaks at Golden K

By JOAN JOUPPI For The Daily News KINGSFORD — Living in the Upper Peninsula one needs to be prepared for changes. Today is mop-up day, with water running and pooling around the area. Tomorrow it may well be frozen in place. Wait a day or so to see what comes next. Rubber boots sit next to ...