
Wild Rivers Quilt Guild meets March 25

THE WILD RIVERS QUILT Guild on March 25 will host Sue Snow, who will demonstrate wool applique.

FLORENCE, Wis. — The Wild Rivers Quilt Guild invites all area quilters to join them as they meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 900 Central Ave., at the intersection of U.S. 2 and 101 in Florence.

They will welcome Sue Snow and colleague from Plum Lakes Quilts in Sayner, Wis. Her specialty is wool applique quilts. They will also host a workshop demonstrating wool applique from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 25.

The fee for the hands-on workshop is $45 and includes a kit to make a small project.

Check the Wild Rivers Quilt Guild website for the supply list that will be needed for the workshop. She will have other kits to purchase at the workshop and the meeting that follow.

At 5:30, she will provide a 30- to 45-minute presentation about her specialty of wool applique quilts.

There is no charge for the presentation at the monthly meeting.

For more information about the Wild Rivers Quilt Guild or to contact them, go to their website at www.wildriversquiltguild.org. Guests and new members are always welcome.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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