Veteran service officer speaks at Golden K

Golden K Chairman Bill Roberts with guest speaker Dickinson County Veteran Service Officer Denise Formolo.
For The Daily News
KINGSFORD — Living in the Upper Peninsula one needs to be prepared for changes. Today is mop-up day, with water running and pooling around the area. Tomorrow it may well be frozen in place. Wait a day or so to see what comes next. Rubber boots sit next to the snowblower at a true Yooper household.
Taking full advantage of a sunny day, Golden K members met at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford. Settling into the chairmanship was Bill Roberts. With gavel in hand, Roberts opened the meeting with the usual ceremonies. Alyce Derwinski is always prepared on piano. Welcome was sung to guests Denise Formolo and Lynn Johnson. Happy Birthday rang out for Don Pedo. Pedo is a resident of Evergreen Assisted Living and long-time member of Golden K. He’s somewhere in the vicinity of 93 years. LaVerne Calcari celebrated a belated 90th birthday with many family members at her home. Sue Proudfit happily won and donated winnings from the 50-50 drawing.
Since March 10, was officially National Nap Day, Roberts’ Thought for the Day was perfect: “No day is so bad that if can’t be fixed with a nap.” Yogi Berra echoed that sentiment with this remark: “I take a two hour nap every day from 1 to 4.” All seniors present nodded in agreement with both statements.
Denise Formolo, Dickinson County Veteran Service Officer, was the days guest speaker. Formolo and Lacey Ellison run the local office and wear many hats. They serve needs, answer questions, and provide assistance to area veterans.
Their client list contains approximately 3,000 veterans in Dickinson County. They are able to provide information and assist clients with a myriad of benefit opportunities.
These two people work by appointment from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and set aside for short walk-in questions from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday.
Both ladies are American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Michigan Association of County Veterans Counselors and National Association of County Veterans Service Officers certified. They update accreditation training each year. They also attend training sessions for the State of Michigan, as well as travel to other areas for conferences and training. The local office is funded by a county millage and a CVSO Grant managed by the state.
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides assistance with eligibility, claim filing, compensation and appeals. They are an information center for veterans in need of services, such as food, housing and utilities. They also have information regarding financial challenges, clothing and other issues.
The office supports outreach events such as the Norway American Legion 145 breakfast, Iron Mountain American Legion Post 50 fish fry, and bingo night.
One of their most popular events is the Dickinson County Veterans Appreciation Picnic at Lake Antoine, which draws over 700 participants. At this event, they bring together about 20 agencies that provide services related to veterans and their dependents. This year’s picnic is scheduled June 28.
Veterans Affairs organizes and hosts the Memorial Day program taking place on the grounds of the Dickinson County Courthouse in Iron Mountain. The team has recently added Blue Water Navy and Marines to their programs, handling Agent Orange exposure. They can advise on topics such as hospice, survivor benefits, and pensions. They explain and facilitate claims based on recent legislation known as the Dole Act. This act enhances benefits for internment and health issues.
Formolo and Ellison are dedicated to their passion of helping veterans and family member with questions about services they may qualify for. They are ready to help you find answers or be directed to someone who can help. Their office is at 2301 Woodward Ave. in Kingsford, near the Ford Airport. They can be contacted at 906-774-2820.
Golden K will meet at 10 a.m. Monday at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford, featuring Dickinson County Sheriff Aaron Rochon as guest speaker. All are welcome,