
Protect phone from viruses

Dear Heloise: I read with concern Daniel T.’s hint about scam calls. Our phones are like our computers; they hold valuable information for scammers.

As such, they must have the best protection against viruses. In Daniel’s case, he should have his phone evaluated by a phone expert or at least have it reset so that any scam programs are erased. Then he should install a virus program and a call screener that blocks any suspicious spam calls.

Don’t forget to back up your data to the cloud before you reset it. If you are uncomfortable about resetting your phone, contact your phone company, and they can usually talk you through it. Apologies for the long letter, but this is important. — Priscilla Wigham, via email


Dear Heloise: To monitor or determine if we have a rodent in our house or vehicle, we use a very simple and cheap monitoring device. We place a black sunflower seed at a discrete but easily monitored place.

Such places could be corners, just inside the closet or cabinet doors, places that are not vacuumed routinely, etc. They are easily visible, especially with a flashlight.

If the seed is gone sometime after you’ve placed it there, you probably have a rodent, especially a mouse, inside your house. — Jim Walrath, via email


Dear Heloise: I have an easy hint for you — compliments of my daughter! When she gets in the shower, she washes her hair first, then applies conditioner. She leaves the conditioner on while she washes her body. This way, the conditioner gets extra time to do its job.

It’s so simple, and I’m amazed that I went all these years without trying a hint that is so easy to incorporate. — L.L., in San Antonio

Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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