
Class Get-togethers


— Norway-Vulcan Class of 1965, lunch, 11 a.m.; reunion planning meeting, noon, Knight Owl Bar & Grill. They will meet the third Thursday of the month to plan their 60th reunion.

— Kingsford High School Class of 1965, ladies get-together, 11:30 a.m., The Brick in Niagara, Wis. Remember to call someone to ride share. Any questions call Virginia at 906-828-1140.

— Iron Mountain High School Class of 1968, dinner, 5:30 p.m., Solberg’s Greenleaf Sports Bar & Grill in Iron Mountain.


— KHS Class of 1968, lunch, 11:30 a.m., Big 10 Sports Bar and Grill in Quinnesec. Everyone will order from the menu at their own cost. Classmates and guests are welcome. Come and enjoy lunch, camaraderie, a little “LikeWise — IM-K Trivia,” and some laughter.

Wednesday, March 26

— IMHS Class of 1965, luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Hong Kong Buffet in Kingsford.

Thursday, March 27

— IMHS Class of 1961, lunch, 11:30 for lunch at Peking Restaurant in Iron Mountain. All former class members and guests are welcome.

Saturday, March 29

— KHS Class of 1961, dinner, 5 p.m., C&R Bar in Aurora, Wis.

Any class that would like to be included can email information to Lifestyles Editor/Staff Writer Terri Castelaz at tcastelaz@ironmountaindailynews.com or call 906-774-2772, ext. 85241.

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