
Cereal bags and be saved and reused for many things

Dear Heloise: I have discovered a splendid use for plastic bags that contain dry cereal in cardboard boxes. In recent years, these bags have evolved to be heavier, leakproof and puncture-resistant, and they have countless uses well after their intended purpose.

They make excellent freezer bags for ice cream cartons, for instance, or for storing anything in the freezer with the expectation that the contents will remain dry and frost-free.

Don’t throw them out once the cereal is gone. Repurpose them as they are much better performing than traditional, thin, low-density polyethylene bags. — Steven M.D., in Merrimack, New Hampshire


Dear Heloise: I always hated moldy bath mats and almost never had one in my shower. But as I’ve gotten older, I realized I needed to use one to keep from slipping in the tub.

When I was in the hospital recently, my sister came over to clean my house for me, and she tossed the bath mat in the washing machine with a little bleach. It came out mold-free! She told me not to use bleach every time I washed it, but once in a while is just fine. — Hazel K., in Edenton, North Carolina


Dear Heloise: I love it when my kids or close friends come for a visit. Needless to say, I always make certain that the guest room is spotless, but I like to go a little beyond this and use plug-in air fresheners (unless they have breathing problems).

In addition to this, I place a small bowl of fruit on the dresser and a small bowl of candy on a nightstand. You’d be amazed at how many of our guests have the evening “munchies.”

I usually send them away with a little gift when they leave. I also put three postcards and a pen in the nightstand if they want to write to anyone.

This past Christmas, I received the sweetest cards from two friends and my daughter-in-law, who told me they loved being here with us because they felt “loved and appreciated.” It’s so important to let our loved ones know how much they mean to us and that their visit is a joy. — Mary Ellen T., Austin, Texas


Dear Heloise: I only use liquid soap in my kitchen and bathroom, but I love the scents of many handcrafted bar soaps. I buy them and place them in my linen closet, clothing closets, and my old hope chest.

Some of the scents last a long time, and when the scents seem to be fading, I take them and hand-wash delicate items (or my hands). The scent then seems to be refreshed, and the bar can be reused. — Kathy M., Orem, Utah


Dear Heloise: When making scrambled eggs for a larger family brunch, I was concerned about keeping them warm since we would all take turns going through the buffet that I had set out. So, I chose to serve them out of my 2-quart Crock-Pot, and it was perfect. Folks could be assured that they would still have warm eggs when they went in for a second helping. — M., in Vermont



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