
Back to the Present

Shown with Francis Monette is John Bednarz, at left.
The Daily News is bringing back photos of “yesteryears.” Each week, an historical photograph will be posted on The Daily News’ Facebook page. Readers will be asked to identify the location, as well as share a memorable experience of the location. “Back to the Present” will then be published in the Wednesday edition, including a current photo. Readers can comment on The Daily News’ Facebook page, or email tcastelaz@ironmountaindailynews.com with subject “Back to the Present.”
(Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo) The site today where Monette’s Superette once stood.

This week’s Back to the Present is a 1946-47 view of Monette’s Superette on the corner of Sagola Avenue and Hooper Street in Kingsford, submitted by Pete Monette of Breitung Township.

The store was owned by Francis and Alice Monette.

After building the store, the couple lived in the downstairs until they experienced a flood. Francis Monette then built a house next to the store where they resided.

It was a charge account store, where residents could shop and pay later, but there were several unpaid bills when the store was later sold to Ed Nault.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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