Clearing up Medicare confusion
Dear Heloise: I totally agree that no one should give their Medicare card number to anyone over the phone who calls them and asks for it. The scam is due to the fact that a lot of people, like me, have recently received new Medicare cards with new numbers.
This is because Medicare was concerned that somewhere, someway, the old cards were compromised in a data breach. I asked Medicare how and where this happened, but they would not share this information with me. So, yes, people are getting new Medicare cards with new numbers, but do not share the new numbers with someone who phones you and requests the number. Regards. — Mike Gleason, via email
Dear Heloise: I’m writing in response to a question asked in a recent column about removing blood stains. I have a miracle blood stain remover: a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap.
Just dab a tiny bit of soap on the stain, then squirt hydrogen peroxide on it. Rub this in with an old toothbrush, and the stain will disappear before your eyes. This works well on other stains, too, but is always effective with blood. Kind regards. — Adriana Kuhn, via email
Dear Heloise: I like to finish all of the lotion in my bottle without wasting any. My lotion comes with a pump, and there is a significant amount of lotion left in the bottom of the bottle when the pump no longer works.
I remove the pump and replace it with a cap from a soda bottle. Then I simply store the bottle upside down, leaning it against the cabinet wall for stability. The bottle cap is a perfect fit, and there’s no waste. — Jeff, Tipp City, Ohio
Dear Heloise: After seeing the letter about eggs in imported goods, I just had to write. Years ago, when I owned a drapery manufacturing company, we had a real surprise one day.
As we began to work on an order of imported fabric, much to my dismay and the screams of my employees, a snake crawled out of the roll of fabric. All I know about the snake is that he wasn’t from the United States. This story is true and good for a laugh now and then. — Evelyn Brown, Little Rock, Arkansas
Dear Heloise: Some years ago, I found out a way to make a nontoxic weed killer. In a bucket, combine 2 cups of Epsom salt, 1/4 cup of dishwashing liquid, and a gallon of white vinegar. After mixing it, I always leave it to sit overnight so that the Epsom salt dissolves (as it can take a while). Works like a charm! — Schrowie, A Devoted Reader
Dear Heloise: I usually pack a hoodie in my carry-on piece of luggage. I unzip it and use it to stay warm by draping it over my front or putting it on with the hood over my head.
This helps reduce noise if I want to sleep and protects my hair and scalp. After all, I don’t know who was sitting there before me. — M.V., in Wisconsin
Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.