
United Steel Workers 146 makes donations

Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo The United Steel Workers Local 146 has made its annual holiday donations. They presented $1,000 checks to the Salvation Army Food Pantry, Iron Mountain and Norway St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantries and Karen’s Pantry in Niagara, Wis. From left are Jennifer Witte, Salvation Army case manager; Tara Coss, Salvation Army director; Robert Bal, USW Local 146 vice president; Mary Gagala, Iron Mountain SVDP president; Joseph Beauprey, USW Local 146 treasurer; Janice Pellegrini, Norway SVDP Food Pantry; Shane Moratti, USW Local 146 financial secretary; Teresa DePas, Karen’s Food Pantry; and Walter Gunville, USW Local 146 president.

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