
Glacial Gardeners Association awards scholarships

THE Glacial Gardners Association recently awarded three scholarships. From left, in the front row are Nancy Hill, president; recipients Devon Basirico and Riley Gauthier; and Mary Bibby, secretary-treasurer. In the second row are Jane Lindow, Misty Vassar, Diane Brandt, Lori Strang, Jean Gardner, Arlene Jensen, Lois Ann Johnson, Nan Pritchard and Kasha Shaw. In the back row are Wendy Gehlhoff, Vanessa McLain, Marian Johnson. Not shown are Jenna Springer, third recipient; and members, Keri Buffinton, Judy Carncross, Sharon Chick, Katy Coppock, Heidi Harwell, Cindy Nault, Connie Onsager, Rosie Peters, Ann Sokop, Mary Stolze and Holly Wissing.

FLORENCE, Wis. — On Aug. 14, the Glacial Gardeners Association awarded Inga Fleming Memorial Scholarships to three outstanding area students.

Jenna Springer of Florence received a $1,000 scholarship. She will be entering her final year at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, majoring in environmental engineering. She is a four-year winner of this award.

Devon Basirico of Crystal Falls received a $1,000 scholarship. He will be a first-year student this fall at Northern Michigan University, where he will be studying environmental and biological sciences.

Riley Gauthier of Kingsford also received a $1,000 scholarship. He will be a first-year student at the University of Michigan, majoring in environmental engineering.

The Inga Fleming Memorial Scholarship is open to students who reside in Iron or Dickinson counties in Michigan and Florence or Marinette counties in Wisconsin.

Students pursuing a two- or four-year degree in one of these majors are eligible to apply through their school counselors: agriculture and applied economics, agricultural education, agronomy, botany, entomology, environmental science, forestry services, horticulture, landscape architecture, plant pathology, soil science or wildlife ecology.

The Glacial Gardeners appreciate the many community members who attend and support the annual Saturday before Memorial Day plant sale at the Florence County fairgrounds. Proceeds from this very popular plant sale help fund this scholarship program that has now awarded $31,000 to area students.

The Glacial Gardeners want to thank the Hazel Dault Family, whose generous $600 donation went toward scholarships this year in memory of Hazel Dault. Dault was a long-time Glacial Gardener supporter who passed away in June of this year.

They would also like to thank the volunteers who helped with the plant sale and these businesses and organizations that donated money, materials or advertising: Spread Eagle Garden Center, Florence County Fair Board (Jessica Klumpp), Florence County Economic Development (Eric Printz), Pat’s Foods and Walmart.

The Glacial Gardeners meet at 5 p.m. the second Monday of every month in the lower-level conference room of the Florence Natural Resource Center. They are involved in many projects in local communities and with schools.

New members who are interested in gardening at home as well as within the community are always welcome.

Annual membership dues are $15. For more information, send an email to glacial.gardeners@gmail.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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