World Theatre Day event in Crystal Falls
CRYSTAL FALLS — Costumes, and raffles and Paul Sundquist — oh my. Join in celebrating World Theatre Day in general and Crystal Theatre in particular from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, March 28, in Stage Left and the theatre foyer.
“World Theatre Day is for real,” Crystal Theatre’s board president Chris Johnson said. “Google confirms that it was ‘designated by the International Theatre Institute in 1961 to celebrate the essence, beauty, and importance of theatre arts, their significant role in entertainment and the symbolic impact that theatre has on life.'”
“Crystal Theatre’s Board of Directors thinks it’s time to recognize the impact that our hometown theatre has on our life in the northwoods,” Johnson said. “We appreciate the assistance of Laura Aldridge in planning this unique event.”
Doors open at 6 p.m. for guests to browse and bid on a variety of themed baskets, jewelry and purses; participate in a silent auction or a quirky costume contest; and enjoy light refreshments, compliments of the theatre board.
Paul Sundquist, local troubadour, will entertain from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., offering a teaser to “American Gold: That ’70s Music ’25,” scheduled to perform with the Nashville Hitmen Aug. 2.
Flex-passes for the discounted “Gem of a Season” ticket package, and all individual advanced tickets, including performances by The Verve Pipe and The Ozark Mountain Daredevils (both reserved seating) may be purchased at the event.
“Come join us on March 28 to not only celebrate World Theatre Day but to celebrate our wonderful Crystal Theatre. Dress in your theatrical finest — or come in costume — and help put the ‘fun’ in fundraiser,” said Kristin Underhill, the theatre’s managing director.