Mobile food pantry coming
KINGSFORD — Feeding America West Michigan is bringing a Mobile Food Pantry to Kingsford on Wednesday at Redemption Hill Church, 332 S. Carpenter Ave. in Kingsford. Free food will be available to all households experiencing food insecurity.
This is a drive-thru food distribution, beginning promptly at 10 a.m. and registration beginning no later than 9 a.m. Registration takes place at customer vehicles.
Customers should be prepared for a lengthy wait in line.
A household is eligible for the supplemental food provided by a food pantry if it already receives food assistance, meets federal income guidelines, or is simply in need of emergency food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture in its February updates announced that it had adjusted the income ceiling for supplemental food programs to 300% of the Federal Poverty Line, meaning that even more families and individuals will qualify to receive free groceries.
Volunteers working registration will be available to answer eligibility questions that customers may have. As it has been with previous Mobile Food Pantries, no proof of eligibility will be required.
“No one will be turned away,” site coordinator Anda Tavonatti said.
The USDA will also no longer require a full address for each registrant, simply the state of residency. The USDA and FAWM still require for each household a full name, information about household size and make-up, and eligibility.
One vehicle may pick up groceries for up to three households as long as the required registration infomation is provided for each household.
Restrooms are available inside the church.
Questions regarding the food pantry or volunteering should be directed to Anda Tavonatti at 906-239-6778 or Questions should not be directed to Redemption Hill Church.
Feeding America West Michigan is an equal opportunity provider.