Golden K gets update on Northern Lights YMCA

FROM LEFT ARE Golden K Chairman Bill Roberts, YMCA Executive Director Jonathan Ringel and Golden K member Dorleen Uhazie. Ringel spoke to the club about the local YMCA.
For The Daily News
KINGSFORD — March came in like a lamb but may go out like a lion, as the saying goes. For now, we will enjoy the hint of spring.
The month brings the time change, Fat Tuesday, St. Urho’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day, each bringing spring a bit closer.
Monday morning greeted the Golden K seniors with blue skies and bright sunshine. Chairman Bill Roberts brought the group together with the opening ceremonies. Richard Jouppi Ochoa invited guest speaker Jonathan Ringel to join him to lead the singing from the podium. The good old tunes rang out as Alyce Derwinski accompanied on the piano and Golden K members sang with gusto. Music such as this is best experienced in person and everyone is encouraged to join them next Monday.
Jonathan Ringel, Bonnie Spanton and Lois Chartier were welcomed as guests. Golden K holds a 50-50 drawing at each meeting and Ringel was the happy winner. These seniors know how to treat a guest speaker.
Reading the Happy Dollar thoughts, Gary Proudfit was grateful for 60 shared years with his wife, Sue, even though she’s a Flivver and he’s a Mountaineer. Wendy Mulka recounted her fun night at the “rock concert” Saturday at the Braumart Theater.
Winter can be long, but there are few dull moments in the Upper Peninsula communities.
Northern Lights YMCA Executive Director Jonathan Ringel brought excitement and enthusiasm to the Golden K, as he updated the seniors on the progress of the local branch.
Several Golden Kers are members of the “Y” and enjoy the variety of programs offered. The local YMCA is currently conducting its annual fundraising campaign to support the organization’s vision for the future.
As a non-profit, they depend on community support. They do their best to fill expectations of all ages with events, classes and programs. They keep the YMCA updated with equipment and a staff that is well trained. Employees are CPR and first aid certified. They are dedicated to providing safe, healthy, active programs designed to meet the needs of members.
They also frequently survey the community for ideas and desires and then work to make those ideas become a reality.
The local YMCA is operational seven days a week. For hours and events available go to their website.
With more than 3,000 members and growing, their goal is to help you feel your best, look your best and live your best.
Selected free programs are available for veterans. Swim, learn to dance, or challenge yourself with aerobics. They also offer day care, field trips and youth development programs. There are programs for kids before school, after school and during spring break. There are walking events as well as a limited bus service for children.
The possibilities are extensive and convenient times are set for adults and children. It’s a great option to stay healthy and active in a safe environment.
Partnerships with local businesses are an appreciated crucial element facilitating the success of the local branch. They make extra events possible, such as the recent swimming classes for third graders. Area businesses get involved, as well as many of their employees. It is the generous residents who make things happen.
Ringel and his staff work tirelessly to provide a safe. healthy, family oriented environment. They offer flexible budget programs and compatible hours for working parents. There are programs and events for fun and fitness. Check out the YMCA and you will be surprised at the variety of events.
Golden K will meet at 10 a.m. today at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford, with Dickinson County Veterans Service Officer Denise Formolo as guest speaker. Everyone is invited.