Now that Michigan is a right-to-work state, the Mackinac Center, whose influence was instrumental in that succeeding, has a new challenge.
The Michigan legislature and Gov. Whitmer will be preparing state budgets this summer — and organized labor, crony capitalists, special interests and ...
EDITOR: Before I launch off on the latest bee in my bonnet, I do want to make remark on what I have just typed. It implies we still have an editor and we still have a newspaper, which of course we do. But how many realize what a treasure that is?
Newspapers have shrunk, merged and many just ...
I am more than a little curious — in my travels around the U.P., I notice that economic expansion is exploding in Marquette, also Escanaba and, to a lesser extent, Houghton.
Not so with Iron Mountain/Kingsford. Here, we seem to be going backwards. Kmart, Sears, J.C. Penney, Shopko, ...
The goal of incarceration and community supervision has been redefined.
The primary purpose used to be incapacitating a person convicted of a crime until their sentence was complete, an approach that inevitably led to high recidivism rates and wasted taxpayer dollars. But today, leaders ...
An open letter sent Monday to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers —
Dear Sir:
Good morning! I come before you, and those I have listed below, with an open letter of concern. Today, is the day before the Goodman-Armstrong Creek Community will hold a referendum for our school. This will be the ...
Tuesday, April 2, is the day we “celebrate” when the typical woman working full time in the United States catches up to what a white man was paid the previous year. That’s right, according to national figures from 2017, making 80 cents to a man’s dollar means women must work three extra ...